Remove W untargetablility give something in return, rework R to fit better with an ADC, maybe something with better peeling or stuns etc. Realistically yuumi should have W adaptive removed or maybe make it conditional. It works great on pretty much everyone except the person yuumi is supposed to be paired with. R doesn't work amazingly with ADCs but works great on divers, tanks, bruisers etc. W adaptive force allows yuumi to be viable with far more people than she should realistically be viable with, 12 + 12% adaptive is a lot at rank 1, really it should be removed and have it's power allocated elsewhere. Yuumi doesn't have the same agency that say, a soraka or lulu does and without the untargetablility she would need something added to her kit to not immediately be sub 40% WR. W untargetablility is a bad concept that is "balanced" by the fact the yuumi is squishy as hell, even more so than the traditional enchanter. Imo the most problematic stuff in yuumi's kit is:
#Yumi league full
Her core design is so flawed it's irredeemable and a full scale rework may as well be a new champ if they removed her W so people want her deleted, or at the very least gutted into unplayability. No one enjoys watching her because she removes all the skill expression from top tier support players. No one enjoys playing with her because the ADC gets left out to dry while she latches onto someone else. No one enjoys playing vs her because she is inherently unfair. Both are unhealthy and unfair to play vs. Then add to that she has gone through two balance states - as a healer who enables hypercarries (usually not ADC hypercarries but bruisers) and makes them unkillable while buffing them, or the high damage poke mage (current iteration) who buys ludens + damage items and can nuke enemies without reply. The classic lock blitz/thresh/maut and hook 'em game doesn't work. So now the key counterplay to enchanters is removed. Yuumi can only die last (barring a massive mistake) due to het W mechanic. A champ like Soraka is just as powerful as Yuumi, maybe even more so, but she can die any time. Firstly, as mentioned, she 100% ignores the key weakness of enchanters. Now if we only focus on yuumi, she causes a few issues. They papered over the ruleset for their respective classes to make something new and unique (the first two to try and make support more popular). An assassin at support, and ADC who doesn't need gold and an enchanter who cant be killed. Pyke, Senna and Yuumi are the real big 3 here.

Riot have/had this little phase about rulebreaker champions.