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Dragon eye msi download

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Meanwhile, her C6, Pulsating Witch, lets her apply the max amount of Conductive stacks to nearby enemies whenever she takes the field. Her C4, Plasma Eruption, lets Lightning Rose unleash up to 3 attacks whenever there is more than one enemy in its area-of-effect. Lisa's best constellations are C4 and C6. Lisa's constellations are available every May and November alongside Bennett and the Blackcliff weapon series. While a support Lisa won't need to level up her Normal Attacks, you can still go for them if she's your DPS.Īs one of the starter 4-star characters, Lisa's constellations can be reliably acquired through 'Paimon's Bargains' on the Starglitter Shop. Once your DPS is done doing their thing, you can switch back to Lisa and use the held version of her skill to deal more damage and regain her energy.įocus on Lisa's burst and skill when leveling up her talents. When playing Lisa as your support, she'll be the one using her burst before you switch to your main DPS. Once Lisa on the field, use her burst then apply Conductive stacks to your enemies before unleashing the held version of your skill. When playing Lisa as your DPS, start your rotations by having your supports use their skills and bursts before switching to Lisa. This is one of the best support talents in the game, as all other abilities that reduce or ignore enemy DEF are locked behind constellations and Lisa is the only one that has it in her base skillset. Meanwhile, Lisa's A2 passive, Static Electricity Field, makes Lightning Rose's attacks reduce the DEF of enemies it hits by 15% for 10 seconds. This is most useful for reapplying the Conductive status to opponents when your skill is on cooldown. Lisa's A1 passive, Induced Aftershock, plays into her DPS capabilities by making her Charged Attacks apply stacks of the Conductive status to opponents. Lightning Rose will continue attacking even if Lisa is off-field, making it a perfect for triggering elemental reactions and supporting other characters that need field time. Lisa's burst, Lightning Rose, lets her summon a Lightning Rose that unleashes powerful lightning bolts to deal Electro DMG to nearby opponents over 15 seconds. Once it reaches its maximum distance and stops moving, you can stop holding the skill button down. Keep an eye out for the circle that expands outward from Lisa's location when you hold your skill. Holding it for 4 seconds doesn't do anything aside from locking you in the animation longer, so be efficient about using it to make your rotations smoother.


While Lisa can hold Violet Arc for a maximum of 4 seconds, it actually needs only 2 seconds to charge in order to unleash its full attack. The held version of Violet Arc will deal extra damage to enemies based on the number of Conductive stacks applied to them. When held, Violet Arc will have en extended casting time, after which Lisa will release a lightning strike from above that deals massive Electro DMG to enemies in a wide area around Lisa. When pressed, Violet Arc releases a homing Lightning Orb that deals Electro DMG and applies a stack of the Conductive status, up to a max of 3 stacks, to opponents hit in a small area-of-effect. Lisa's skill, Violet Arc, lets her channel the power of lightning to sweep bothersome matters away and will have different effects depending on whether you press or hold it. Having her as your DPS will focus on her skill while putting her on a support role will make her burst more important. Lisa's playstyle will vary depending on which role she's taking for your team. Here's how you can unlock her full potential. When built and utilized correctly, she'll be great addition to any team. Whether as an off-field support or burst DPS, you shouldn't underestimate Lisa's potential just because she's a starter character.

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It's only fitting that the Sumeru Akademiya's most promising graduate in centuries shines with the nation's element. In the case of the 4-star Electro catalyst user Lisa, she started out as a solid support character, but is now even more relevant following the release of Dendro and its myriad of elemental reactions. While most of them have been power-crept by the limited characters released after them, that doesn't mean they no longer have a place in your party.

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Genshin Impact gives every player starter characters when they first began the game.

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Despite being one of the starter characters, she can be a great support or strong DPS when utilized correctly, especially in Dendro teams. Lisa is one of the most underrated characters in Genshin Impact.

Dragon eye msi download